Delco Times, NOTICE OF SHARON HILL BOROUGH PROPOSED FLOODPLAIN ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given by the Council of Sharon Hill Borough of the intention to act upon the following proposed ordinance: FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ORDINANCES REQUIRING ALL PERSONS, PARTNERSHIPS, BUSINESSES, AND CORPORATIONS TO OBTAIN A PERMIT FOR ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH PERMITS; SETTING FORTH CERTAIN MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT WITHIN AREAS OF THE [NAME OF MUNICIPALITY] WHICH ARE SUBJECT TO FLOODING; AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR ANY PERSONS WHO FAIL, OR REFUSE TO COMPLY WITH, THE REQUIREMENTS OR PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. The full text of the proposed Floodplain Ordinance is available for public inspection by appointment by calling 610-586-8200. The Council plans to consider its respective Floodplain Management Ordinance at its regular monthly meeting scheduled on August 27, 2015 at 7:00 pm located at 250 Sharon Ave. Sharon Hill Pa. 19079 Any interested parties may submit comments at this Sharon Hill meeting. DCT, August 4, a-1