Farmington Daily-Times, FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACTTO ALL INTERESTED GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PUBLIC GROUPS: In accordance with the environmental review guidelines of the Council on Environmental Quality found at 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1500, and with the use of the implementing environmental review procedures of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found at 40 CFR Part 6 entitled "Procedures for Implementing the Requirements of the Council on Environmental Quality on the National Environmental Policy Act" as guidance, the EPA has performed an environmental review of the following proposed action: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements Phase IIIFor the City of FarmingtonLocated inSan Juan County, New MexicoCWSRF Project Number: CWSRF 012Estimated Proposed Funding: $14,000,000State of New Mexico, CWSRF Loan: $14,000,000Estimated Local Share: To be determined The City of Farmington has been selected to receive a loan funding package from the Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund through the State of New Mexico Environment Department for the construction of phase III improvements to the wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant is located in the City of Farmington in San Juan County in northwestern New Mexico. In the late 1990's as part of a continued program to provide treatment and disposal of wastewater that is generated in the City's service area in a manner that is reliable, in compliance with regulatory requirements, and provides long term ground and surface water protection, the City of Farmington identified the need to increase the capacity of, upgrade and convert the City's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) biological treatment process from fixed film trickling filters to total activated sludge. Phase I was completed in 2000 and included new screening/washing facility, aerated grit basin and odor control. Phase II was completed in 2004 increased the plant treatment capacity to 6.67 MGD and included one medium rate activated sludge (MRAS) basin, secondary clarifier, blower building, rehab of the existing primary clarifiers, and sludge drying beds. Phase III includes two MRAS basins, two secondary clarifiers, solids handling facilities, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection facility septic truck dumping station. Phase III will convert the WWTP to total activated sludge and the existing trickling filters will be taken out of service but remain available for use if needed. Additionally, the abandoned rotating biological contactors (RBC) basin will be converted to a septic truck dumping station. The environmental review process, which is documented by the enclosed Environmental Assessment, indicates that no potential significant adverse environmental impacts will result from the proposed action. The project individually, cumulatively over time, or in conjunction with other actions will not have a significant adverse effect on the quality of the environment. On the basis of the environmental review determination that there are no predicted or cumulative significant adverse impacts associated with the project, it has been determined that the project is not a major Federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment, and that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not necessary. The preliminary decision is based upon the enclosed Environmental Assessment, a careful review of the Environmental Information Document prepared for the project, the results of the public participation process, and other supporting data which are on file in the office listed below and available for public review upon request. Therefore, this preliminary Finding of No Significant Impact pertaining to the project is being issued. Comments supporting or disagreeing with my preliminary decision may be submitted for consideration to the attention of David Bishop, Project Manager of the New Mexico Environment Department Construction Programs Bureau, 121 Tijeras Avenue, Suite 1000, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. After evaluating any comments received, the Construction Programs Bureau will make a final decision. No administrative action will be taken on this preliminary decision for at least 30 calendar days after release of this Finding of No Significant Impact. The preliminary decision and finding will then become final after the 30-day comment period expires if no new significant information is provided to alter this finding.Legal No. 71779 published in The Daily Times on August 9, 2015.