Berkshires Marketplace, CITY OF PITTSFIELD SALE S#16-002 The City of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, acting through its Purchasing Agent in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 30B and Section 6-58 of the City Code will accept sealed bids for the sale of: SALE OF SURPLUS VEHICLES Sealed bids shall be addressed to the Purchasing Agent, 70 Allen Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201 and will be held until 2:00 P.M. August 24, 2015 at which time they will be opened and publicly read aloud. Bids must be submitted on forms available from the Purchasing Office. The Purchasing Agent shall award the sale to the highest qualified bidder per item. Multiple awards will be made. Payment shall be made to the City within 5 business days after notification of award. If, after 5 business days, payment is not made to the City, the next highest qualified bidder shall be awarded the sale. Payment to the City shall only be made by cash or certified check. The Successful Bidder is responsible for removal and transportation of all sold surplus vehicles & equipment from their location on City premises. Failure to remove awarded items by Friday, September 11, 2015 may be grounds for termination of sale. The equipment is sold "AS IS, WHERE IS". The City of Pittsfield makes no representation regarding the suitability of this item for any purpose nor does the City of Pittsfield make any representation regarding any lien or legal impediment accruing to this item. The City assumes no condition of the equipment either before the sale or thereafter. The Purchasing Agent reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids if the interests of the City are served thereby. Colleen Hunter-Mullett, MCPPO Purchasing Agent 08/10/15