Hearst Media Services, CITY OF SHELTON SHELTON PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION LEGAL NOTICE At a regular meeting of the Shelton Planning and Zoning Commission held on Shelton City Hall, 54 Hill Street, Shelton, CT the following actions were taken: 1. Closed public hearing on Appl. #15-10, PDD Zone Change, 434-456 Howe Avenue/70-72 Bridge Street, Matto Family Realty, LLC 2. Closed public hearing on Appl. #15-11, PDD Zone Change, 561 Bpt. Ave., Gary Knauf 3. Closed public hearing on Appl. #15-14, IB-2 to CA-2 Zone Change, 415 Howe Ave., Dominick Cerritelli 4. Closed public hearing on Appl. #15-15, Special Exception/Site Plan, 415 Howe Ave., Judy Rockwell 5. Approved Applications for Cert. of Zoning Compliance 0416, 0423, 0377, 0432, 0435, 0430, 0325, 291, 0347 and 0439 6. Tabled action on Applications for Cert. of Zoning Compliance 0426 and 0223 7. Added to the agenda Applications for Cert. of Zoning Compliances 0347 and 0439 and P&Z Appl. #15-16 8. Tabled action on P&Z Appl. #15-12, Site Plan, 425 River Road, Mike Ballaro 9. Accepted and scheduled public hearing on 9/23/15 on P&Z Appl. #15-16, Special Exception/Site Plan, 333 River Road Sammy Alanz and Stephen Miklos 10. Added P&Z Appl. #15-13 to the Agenda 11. Rescheduled the public hearing to 9/23/15 on P&Z Appl. #15-13, Extension of CB-2 Zone, 803 River Road, William Hodosi Ruth Parkins, Chairman Virginia Harger, Secretary