Hearst Media Services, NOTICE OF PRIMARY NOTICE OF PRIMARY OF REPUBLICAN PARTY TO LISA BERGH, the Town Clerk of BETHEL: Notice is hereby given that a Primary of the REPUBLICAN Party will be held in the Town of BETHEL, on September 16, 2015, for nomination to the following Municipal Office to be filled at the Town Election to be held on November 3, 2015 OFFICE TERM FIRST SELECTMAN 12/07/2015 - 12/04/2017 Notice is also hereby given that the following is the party-endorsed candidate of the REPUBLICAN Party for nomination to said Municipal Office, together with the street address of said candidate: NAME ADDRESS OFFICE TERM PATRICIA A. RIST 10 SHELTER ROCK RD. FIRST SELECTMAN 12/07/2015-12/04/2017 Notice is also hereby given that the following enrolled member of the REPUBLICAN Party has filed petition(s) in conformity with Sec. 9-406 of the General Statutes, as candidate for nomination to said Municipal Office: NAME ADDRESS OFFICE TERM WILLIAM I. DUFF 33 LONG MEADOW LANE FIRST SELECTMAN 12/07/2015-12/04/2017 Dated at BETHEL, Connecticut, this 12TH day of AUGUST, 2015 TIMOTHY R. BEEBLE "Registrar of Voters of the REPUBLICAN Party." The foregoing is a copy of the notice which I received from TIMOTHY R. BEEBLE, Registrar of Voters of the Republican Party, in accordance with Sec. 9-435 of the General Statutes. As provided in said notice, a Primary of the Republican Party for nomination of the candidate to the office therein specified will be held on September 16, 2015 the hours of voting at said Primary will be from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and the location of the polls will be as follows: VOTING DISTRICT LOCATION OF POLLING PLACE I CLIFFORD J. HURGIN MUNICIPAL CENTER II STONY HILL FIRE HOUSE III BERRY SCHOOL IV CLIFFORD J. HURGIN MUNICIPAL CENTER V BERRY SCHOOL Absentee Ballots will be counted at the following central location: DISTRICT IV, CLIFFORD J. HURGIN MUNICIPAL CENTER. Dated at BETHEL, Connecticut, this 12TH day of AUGUST, 2015 LISA BERGH, CCTC TOWN CLERK TOWN OF BETHEL