Delco Times, OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF WILLS FOR DELAWARE COUNTY, PA PETITION FOR CITATION TO SHOW CAUSE WHY LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION SHOULD NOT BE ISSUED TO JULIA RENZULLI IN RE: Estate of Niajah Deeds, Deceased RULE TO: Tamika L. Peterson & Elijah J. Deeds Take Notice That a Petition was presented before the Register of Wills of Delaware County, PA and a RULE was issued in the above entitled matter of August 14, 2015 to show cause why Petitioner(s) should not be granted Letters of Administration on the Estate of Niajah Deeds, Deceased. You are hereby directed to show cause, if any you have, why the relief sought in said Petition should not be granted. Rule Returnable on 30th day of September, 2015, in the Office of the Register of Wills, Government Center Bldg., Media, PA. No hearing is scheduled. Jennifer Holsten Maddaloni, Esq. Register of Wills and Clerk of Orphans’ Court Div. DCT, August 24, August 31, September 7, a-1