The Record, TOWN OF SAND LAKE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO SAND LAKE PARKING ORDINANCE LEGAL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town of Sand Lake will hold a public hearing at the Town Hall, 8428 Route 66, Town of Sand Lake, on the 9th day of September 2015 at 7:30 P.M., to hear all interested parties and citizens regarding an amendment to the Sand Lake Parking Ordinance pursuant to Chapter 243 Vehicles and Traffic – Article 1§ 243-1 Parking Restrictions of the Code of the Town of Sand Lake, as adopted December 29, 2010 by Ordinance No. 1-2010 and amended July 9, 2014 and as from time to time amended is hereby amended to read as follows: C. There shall be no parking on the north and south side of Glass Lake Road, except in designated parking areas for fishing and boating access, from its intersection with Route 43 and 66, in a southwest direction, a distance of 3/10 of a mile to Rebeca Way, and such areas are designated a tow away zone. By Barbara Biittig Town Clerk 723414 8/25