Hearst Media Services, CITY OF STAMFORD ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS LEGAL NOTICE The Zoning Board of Appeals of the City of Stamford will hold a public hearing and meeting on Wednesday, September 9, 2015, at 7 PM in the Cafeteria located on the 4th floor of the Stamford Government Center Building, 888 Washington Boulevard, Stamford at which time and place the following application will be considered: Application #048-15 of R&S Realty & Development LLC, for a variance of Article III, Section 7.1.D (Districts and District Regulations Requirements) of the Zoning Regulations in order to permit the existing dwelling to be as low as 8.4 feet below the Base Flood Elevation in lieu of the 35.5 feet required and as low as 9.4 feet below the Mean Elevation Standard in lieu of the 36.5 feet required. Said property is location on the west side of Cold Spring Road at the intersection of Severance Drive in an R-7-1/2 zone and is known as 198 Cold SpringRoad. At the above mentioned time and place a public hearing will be held and all interested parties are invited to attend. After the public hearing, there may be a meeting to discuss and possibly decide the application and any other business pending before the Board. Dated at the City of Stamford, Connecticut this 27th day of August 2015. Attest: Mary Judge Board Administrator