Farmington Daily-Times, U.S. Department of the InteriorOffice of Surface Mining Reclamationand EnforcementPublic HearingProposed Stream Protection Rule and DraftEnvironmental Impact StatementTuesday, September 1, 2015 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Jefferson County Fairgrounds Event Center15200 W. 6th Ave.Golden, CO 80401 The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is holding a public hearing on the proposed Stream Protection Rule and the associated Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), as part of its public involvement plan under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969.The Public Hearing is to provide information on the proposed rule and the DEIS to the public, and to allow interested parties to submit oral and written comments for the record. We will provide opportunities for interested parties to deliver or write comments onsite at each public hearing. We will also provide a platform for participants to speak with a court reporter who will transcribe their verbal comments for the written record. Additionally, the public will be able to speak in a public hearing format. Those speaking in the public hearing format must register to do so at the hearing, and will be called on a first-come, first-served basis as time allows. Comments will be limited to two minutes in order to allow as many people to speak as possible. OSMRE is accepting written comments on the DEIS through September 15, 2015, and on the proposed rule through September 25, 2015. It is not necessary to attend the public hearing to submit written comments. Legal No. 71859 published in The Daily Times on August 30, 2015.