Hearst Media Services, LEGAL NOTICE ZONING BOARD - CITY OF STAMFORD APPL. 215-16 - Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of the City of Stamford, CT at its regular meeting held on Monday, June 8, 2015 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED AS MODIFIED the application of RBS Greenwich Capital Property Acquisition Corp. for approval of Text Change of Zoning Regulations to amend Article IV, Section 13-H-9 of the Zoning Regulations of the City of Stamford as follows to now read as follows (new language appears underscored): Where a building fronts on more than one street and is on a lot in excess of two acres, the Zoning Board, by issuance of a Special Exception, may authorize the transfer of front wall signage rights to another front, side or rear wall of the building, the wall of an attached garage that fronts on a street, or to a ground mounted sign or signs, upon a finding by the Zoning Board that such transfer (i) will result in a sign or signs appropriate to the architecture of the building, (ii) will promote identification of the building, and (iii) is consistent with the goals and policies of the Master Plan. Any signage rights transferred shall remain on the same lot from which they originate. A request to transfer signage rights shall be accompanied by plans, subject to Zoning Board approval, showing the intended location, number, size and design of the intended new signage. Where a portion of the requested signage transfer is unallocated to an approved sign plan, the amount of such unallocated signage transfer shall not exceed two hundred (200) square feet per lot. a) Any such wall signage shall contain only the name or logo of a person or entity having an ownership interest in the building or the name or logo of a tenant or tenants occupying not less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of leasable floor area within the building, and shall not be used to promote any product line, service or like advertising. Any such wall signs shall satisfy the following criteria, as determined by the Zoning Board: (A) except in an instance where the Zoning Board has previously approved signage with internally illuminated lettering or logos on the same building, illumination of signage shall be with back lighting or indirect lighting and no internally illuminated lettering or logos shall be permitted; (B) in addition to a background color, no more than two colors may be used within a sign; and (C) signs shall be compatible in color, height and alignment to other signs on the same frontage of a building. The sign area calculation for open-type signs permitted under paragraph H.1 above shall not apply to any signage rights transferred under this paragraph 9. Effective date of this decision: June 23, 2015 ATTEST: THOMAS R. MILLS CHAIRMAN, ZONING BOARD CITY OF STAMFORD, CONN. Dated at the City of Stamford, CT. this12th day of June 2015