Hearst Media Services, LEGAL NOTICE ZONING BOARD - CITY OF STAMFORD APPL. 215-17 Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of the City of Stamford, CT at its regular meeting held on Monday, June 8, 2015 UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED AS MODIFIED the application of RBS Greenwich Capital Property Acquisition Corp. for Special Exception approval to transfer approximately 336 square feet of available signage rights from the southern, eastern and northern building facades to the western building façade, in accordance with Article IV, Section 13-H-9 of the Zoning Regulations of the City of Stamford. The property subject to the application consists of approximately 4.2 acres and is commonly referred to as 600 Washington Boulevard, Stamford, CT, more particularly described as: Block #: 18 Area: 4.2± acres All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land designated as Consolidated Parcel S as depicted on Map 13847 of the Stamford Land Records (SLR), said parcel being generally bounded as follows: EASTERLY: 268.96 feet by Washington Boulevard; SOUTHERLY: 378.6 feet more or less by Monumented Non-Access Highway Line of said State of Connecticut (US Route I-95); WESTERLY: 408.9 feet more or less along the Mean High Water line of the Rippowam River; and NORTHERLY: 593.5 feet more or less along the southerly side of Richmond Hill Avenue. Effective date of this decision: June 23, 2015 ATTEST: THOMAS R. MILLS CHAIRMAN, ZONING BOARD CITY OF STAMFORD, CONN. Dated at the City of Stamford, CT. this 12th day of June 2015